Learning Turquoise Launched

We are very excited to launch our new website! We are eager to help in widening your knowledge-base on wide variety of issues.

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Bank Term Funding Program Is Ending

March 7, 2024

FED is ending BTFP on March 11th

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What the Supply Chains Looks Like in Future?

March 2, 2024

After all the turmoil, what supply-chains might look like.

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Apple and Foxconn Leaving China?

Employees of Foxconn Rally for Severance Package

Employees of Foxconn rallied within the factory compound of Guanlan factory of Foxconn in Shenzhen on June 9th 2023. They were advocating for the "N+1" severance package after Foxconn had announced a 5-day vacation commencing from the Dragon Boat Festival on June 22nd coupling it with reduction in regular working hours. The "N+1" compensation package is a standard severance package plus 1 month of pay meant to cover the lack of notice period.

Foxconn Reducing Manufacturing in China

The Shenzhen factory compound of Foxconn once employed more than 150,000 employees. Now only 30,000 employees remain and that number is also going down. It's common knowledge now that Apple has changed its supply chain to be less dependant of China. Apple and Foxconn as Apple's main manufacturing partner has been moving manufacturing to India and south-east Asia. Reducing of working hours in Guanlan factory is just the latest event in this scheme.

Problems to Economy

These reductions have already affected the local housing markets around the factories. Additionally the lot's of small businesses have either closed or moved elsewhere. Once bustling shopping malls in the district have become deserted and many malls have just boarded up the vacant storefronts.

Factory to Saudi Arabia?

Foxconn is in talks with Saudi Arabia to build a $9 billion factory in Neom. Neom is a tech-focused city-state Saudi Arabia is developing in the desert. The new factory could be manufacturing microchips, electric-vehicle components and other electronics. Foxconn is also in talks with the United Arab Emirates about possibly placing the new factory there.


Learning Turquoise Launched


The main purpose of this site is to give people a reliable source for information from all aspects of life. We aim to be totally apolitical and agnostic in our publishing. The topics of our published articles varies greatly and all topics are welcome. The core basis for the articles on this site is that the content is verifiable at least in some level, also references are mentioned where ever applicable. Naturally not all things can have source mentioned for example due to confidentiality but still integrity is the point of all this.

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We are at the beginning and actually "we" is more "I" at this point-in-time. All articles are currently authored by me the "Founder" of this site. Hope is that in future also other people could send articles to this site to be published. Unfortunately we cannot currently pay anything to authors of the articles, so we also don't expect people to send their works to us. In case you want us to publish your article you can do it by contacting us at info@learningturquoise.com. All articles will be reviewed before publishing.

Where the name Learning Turquoise comes from?

It originates from Ken Wilber's Integral Theory, and it's use of colors to differentiate between different levels. The name Learning Turquoise means basically to raise one-self to the turquoise level through learning wide variety of things.

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This site aims to be reliable non-biased source of information containing all aspects of life. We try to use words that everybody can understand. Read more